Whether you are newly-diagnosed or have been living with your diagnosis for a long time, our programs provide information that can help you improve and maintain your quality of life while living with cutaneous lymphoma.

Please Note: All event times are U.S. Eastern Time Zone (ET) unless otherwise noted.

In Person Event
Annual Patient Conference

Plan now to join us! 
Friday, April 4 - Sunday, April 6, 2025 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
Learn more

Online Events
Answers from the Experts: Open Q&A

Finding answers to your questions about cutaneous lymphoma and its treatment can be challenging. The Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation offers these open question and answer events to provide those affected by cutaneous lymphoma access to expert clinicians to respond to your questions about cutaneous lymphoma. Registration is required for these events.

February 27, 2025

Networking Groups
Networking Groups - Online Meetings

Meeting others who are affected by cutaneous lymphoma can be an important part of building a support network. The Online Networking Groups are open to all patients, and family and friends of patients regardless of location. Meetings are held on the Zoom platform and registration is required. 

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday Meeting Dates and Time  
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone (ET) 

Thursday Meeting Dates and Time  
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone

Connect on Facebook!

You can connect with others though the Cutaneous Lymphoma Networking Group on Facebook.

This is a private group for people who have cutaneous lymphoma, their family and close friends as a way to share and learn from each other's stories and experiences. The group is monitored by a Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation staff to help ensure information shared remains accurate. 

Join the group here

Partner Events
Collaborative Partner/Outside Events

The Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation provides a list of events held by our collaborative partners that may be of special interest to the cutaneous lymphoma community.

Lymphoma Canada*

Lymphoma Canada provides, at no cost and in both official languages: electronic and print materials on the Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and CLL, peer and caregiver support groups, educational forums and advocacy on behalf of patients.  All of its resources are derived from Canadian statistics and feature only Canadian specific information.

Understanding Therapy Coverage: A Pathway to Better Care - February 25, 2025

Lymphoma Research Foundation (LRF)*

The Lymphoma Research Foundation’s educational programs* provide information about lymphoma, current treatment options and support issues to members of the lymphoma community across the United States.

Navigating a Rare Lymphoma Diagnosis - March 4, 2025

Triage Cancer *

Triage Cancer offers a series of FREE educational conferences and webinars for individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, advocates, and oncology healthcare professionals. Learn valuable information about navigating practical cancer survivorship issues, from beyond diagnosis, into post-treatment survivorship.

Please note these events cover all cancers and are not specific to cutaneous lymphoma, so not all the information presented may be applicable to your situation.

Taking Time Off Work - March 27, 2025

NCCN - National Comprehensive Cancer Network*

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) is a not-for-profit alliance of 33 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. NCCN is dedicated to defining and advancing quality, effective, equitable, and accessible cancer care and prevention so all people can live better lives. 

Patient Webinar: Why Should I Consider a Clinical Trial - February 28, 2025

*Please note this organization's event/s covers all cancers and are not specific to cutaneous lymphoma, so not all the information presented may be applicable to your situation.