Skin-Directed Therapy

Webinar: Radiation Therapies

December 2020: Radiation oncologist, Dr. Christopher Kelsey discusses the different types of radiation therapy and when they may be appropriate for treating different stages of cutaneous lymphoma. Dr. Kelsey also responds to attendees' questions.

Christopher Kelsey, MD, Duke University Medical Center

Webinar: Early Stage Treatment Options

November 2020 - Living with cutaneous lymphoma and understanding the treatment options available can be overwhelming. The good news is that there are many treatments available today. Drs. Steven Horwitz and Sarah Noor share an overview of current treatment options for early stage cutaneous lymphoma and new treatments in the pipeline.

Steven Horwitz, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Sarah Noor, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Radiation Therapy - Local and TSEB

Radiation therapy is the use of focused, high energy beams of X-rays, photons, or electrons to treat cancer. Today, radiation therapy is used to treat individual CTCL lesions (local or spot treatment) or the entire skin surface (total skin). 

Skin-Directed Therapies for Cutaneous Lymphoma

A brief overview on topical treatments for early stage cutaneous lymphoma including responses to treatment-related questions.

Facebook Live: Aaron Mangold, MD

January 2019 - As part two of our 3-part series on treatment options, Dr. Aaron Mangold presented on and took questions about phototherapy treatments for early stage disease. Dr. Mangold is an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ.

Skin-Directed Therapies

Individuals with disease limited to the skin (stages I and II) can often achieve a good response with one of the readily available skin-directed therapies. Learn more about skin-directed therapies.


Phototherapy is the use of ultraviolet light to decrease inflammation in the skin. While phototherapy can be used in the treatment of many inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, it has also been proven as an effective treatment for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL).

What and when are combination therapies used?

Occasionally skin-directed therapies may be used in combination or with a systemic therapy when one therapy alone isn't fully effective.

Treatment Basics

Living with cutaneous lymphoma and understanding the diversity of the treatment options available can be overwhelming. The good news is that there are many treatment options available today.