Cutaneous Lymphoma International Nurses Network


The Cutaneous Lymphoma International Nurses Network (CLINN), supported by the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation, was established in 2022 to connect the international cutaneous lymphoma clinical community so that we can leverage and share skills, knowledge, expertise, best practice, and experience within the treating community.


The CLINN is dedicated to advancing care for cutaneous lymphomas through collaboration and connection through an international networking platform, resource library, educational webinars, training support, and in-person clinical meetings. 


The CLINN will be the global educational and collaborative resource for nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, and other patient-facing, non-physician clinicians who provide health care, education, and support to people diagnosed with a cutaneous lymphoma.  Through these efforts, the quality of care and quality of life for people with cutaneous lymphoma will be positively changed. 


The primary goals of the CLINN are to provide:

Essential disease related education in the following areas:

  • Pathogenesis, diagnosis, staging, prognosis, therapies, clinical trials
  • Acute/chronic nursing care: symptom management, skin/wound care, patient education, quality of life
  • Networking and engagement with other practitioners

Access to online and in-person communication and educational opportunities

  • Development of nursing clinical practice/education

Curate accessible learning modules

  • Wound care
Educational Resources

As a member of the CLINN, you will gain access to an extensive resource library to learn more about cutaneous lymphoma and its treatment. The links below will take you to a sampling of the type of information that is available:


Membership is open to any non-physician clinician involved in the health care and support of people diagnosed with a cutaneous lymphoma, including nurses, nurse practitioners, advanced practice providers, physician assistants.

The Basecamp platform is the technology we are using to accomplish our purpose, mission, vision, and goals.  Here we can connect with each other on a 24/7 basis to ask questions of each other, discuss difficult cases anonymously, message each other, and have access to an information repository housing the essential knowledge for to perform our critical work with patients and families living with cutaneous lymphoma.

You can click on the link below for an opt-in membership form which will provide you with more information on how to join.  Once you complete and submit the form, you will receive further instructions on joining the CLINN.  There will also be a link to access a tutorial on how to use the Basecamp platform.

Request to Join                        Member Log-In